Page 12 - Guida di Pragelato
P. 12
dove sostarono i Valdesi reduci dalla Germania nel 1689, prima di scavalcare il Colle
del Pis e scendere in Val Germanasca.
(Si raggiunge in macchina fino a un certo punto, poi si procede a piedi)
This hamlet has been uninhabited for many years: only two houses remain standing.
The history of this hamlet is characterized by multiple destructions due to war or religious reasons:
in the seventeenth century, it was destroyed by the French led by General Catinat, then by the Savoys
with Vittorio Amedeo II, finally by the Germans in 1944 in retaliation against the Parisians. It was
the last place where the Waldensians returning from Germany stopped in 1689, before going over
the Colle del Pis and descending into Germanasca Valley.
(You can reach this hamlet by car to a certain point, then you have to proceed on foot) hamlets/les bourgades
Dans cette bourgade inhabitée depuis maintenant plusieurs années, seules deux maisons sont re-
stées debout.
L’histoire de ce village est marquée de nombreuses destructions pour des motifs religieux ou pendant
des guerres : au XVIIe siècle, les troupes françaises du Général Catinat, puis les Savoie avec Vittorio
Amedeo II, et enfin les allemands en 1944 en représailles contre les partisans. Ce fut le dernier endroit
où s’opposèrent les Vaudois sortant du conflit avec l’Allemagne en 1689, avant de franchir le Colle del
Pis et descendre dans le Vallée Germanasca.
(Accessible en voiture jusqu’à un certain point puis à pied)
Seytes (Lâ Sèita, 1920 m). È la borgata più in quota, completamente distrutta
dai Tedeschi nel 1944 per rappresaglia: oggi tutte le costruzioni sono diroccate tranne
una casa.
È la patria del famoso comandante partigiano Maggiorino Marcellin (Bluter).
(Si raggiunge in macchina fino a un certo punto, poi si procede a piedi)
It is the hamlet at the highest altitude, completely destroyed by the Germans in 1944 in retaliation:
today all of the buildings are falling down except for one house.
It is the home of the famous partisan commander Maggiorino Marcellin (Bluter).
(You can reach this hamlet by car to a certain point, then you have to proceed on foot)
Cette bourgade est la plus haute en altitude et fut entièrement détruite par les allemands en 1944 en
représailles : aujourd’hui tous les bâtiments sont en ruine sauf une maison.
C’est d’ici que vient le célèbre commandant partisan Maggiorino Marcellin (Bluter).
(Accessible en voiture jusqu’à un certain point puis à pied)
Troncea (La Trountséië, 1915 m). Situata nel Parco della Val Troncea, è la se-
conda frazione più in quota dopo Seytes e ospita il Rifugio escursionistico Troncea; la
costruzione più antica è la fontana del 1895.
Nel 1899, all’epoca delle miniere del Beth, aveva 85 residenti ma è stata abbandona-
ta nel 1922; nel 1944 fu incendiata e gravemente danneggiata da una rappresaglia
nazifascista. (Si raggiunge in macchina fino a un certo punto, poi si procede a piedi)
Located in Val Troncea Park, it is the hamlet at the second highest altitude after Seytes and it houses
the Troncea hiking Refuge; the oldest construction is the 1895 fountain.
In 1899, at the time of the Beth mines, it had 85 residents but was abandoned in 1922; in 1944 it
was set on fire and seriously damaged by a Nazi-Fascist retaliation.
(You can reach this hamlet by car to a certain point, then you have to proceed on foot)
Située dans le Parc du Val Troncea, cette bourgade est, après Seytes, la plus haute en altitude et
accueille le Refuge Troncea pour les randonneurs ; la construction la plus ancienne est la fontaine
de 1895.
En 1899, à l’époque des mines du Beth, elle comptait 85 résidents mais fut abandonnée en 1922 ; en
1944, elle fut incendiée et gravement endommagée suite à des représailles des nazis.
(Accessible en voiture jusqu’à un certain point puis à pied)