Page 4 - Guida di Sestriere
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riflettendosi in numerosi eventi sportivi quali la “Settimana Internazionale” e la
“Kandahar”, sino ai campionati del mondo di sci alpino del febbraio 1997. Inol-
tre Sestriere può vantare una lunga tradizione golfistica, iniziata negli anni ’30;
infatti già nel 1932 ospitò uno dei primi “Open” d’Italia.
Centro del grande comprensorio della Vialattea, Sestriere offre agli sciatori 4OO
km di piste e la possibilità di collegamento con altre sette stazioni.
Per la gioia degli appassionati, in località Monterotta vi sono inoltre le piste di
sci di fondo e, di fronte agli impianti, quella di pattinaggio sul ghiaccio. La va-
rietà delle strutture: campo da golf a 18 buche, Palazzetto dello Sport, piscina,
lago naturale attrezzato per la pesca sportiva, campi da tennis, l’opportunità
di gite in mezzo alla natura alpina ricca e incontaminata, rendono la località
godibile anche durante l’estate.
Sestriere, garantendo oltre 4.5OO posti letto, possibilità molto ampie di ristora-
zione e di esercizi commerciali, due sale da gioco, e le sue pregevoli attrattive
naturali, si è prestato ad essere teatro delle Olimpiadi invernali del 2OO6 offren-
do, come sempre, la sua versatile ospitalità e fama.
Dario Reteuna
Sestriere lies at 2,035m between the Val Chisone and the Val Susa.
The name ‘Sestrieres’ comes from ‘Petra Sistraria’ the ‘Sixth Stone’, which in Roman times indicated
the distance from the nearest city. Originally Sestriere was known for important military events such
as the invasion of Hannibal, Caesar marching towards the Gallic lands and in the Middle Ages for
the salt caravans.
However, the ‘invention’ of Sestriere as a tourist-sport centre is due to the managerial talent, imagi-
nation, and the intuition of the fast spreading mountain sports aided by the development of the car
industry and the close proximity to Torino. The main creators were Senator Giovanni Agnelli and his introduction
son Edoardo who defined the project with V. Bonadè Bottino.
That is how Sestriere, in less than ten years, since 1931, became a famous tourist centre with a very
good hotel, sports and infrastructure system.
The first development of Sestriere coincided with the creation of the cable cars Alpette-Sises (1931),
Banchetta (1933) and Fraiteve (1937) and the first hotels. The ‘Monte Sises’, with the famous ‘La
Torre’ was built in 1932, a long way from traditional mountain architecture, it embodied the image
of ‘modernity’ and is still today a symbol of Sestriere. More impressive and conservative is the hotel
‘Principi di Piemonte’ (1933 - Giovanni Chevalley), while the ‘Duchi d’Aosta’ (1933) also with the
original tower concluded the set up of the new tourist centre.
In the same years the resort became one of the favourite places of the Italian upper class, representa-
tives of industry, sportsmen, the jet set, and show business: film directors such as Alessandro Blasetti
(1937), Mario Soldati (1951) and Luciano Salce who directed: ‘La Contessa di Parma’, ‘È l’amor che
mi rovina’ and ‘Slalom’ on the snow there.
There have been several sporting events such as the ‘Settimana Internazionale’ (International Week)
and the ‘Kandahar’, along with the World Alpine Ski Championships (1997). Sestriere can also be
proud of a long golf tradition which started in the ‘30s: one of the first ‘Italian Opens’ was held there
in 1932.
At the centre of the Vialattea, Sestriere offers 400 km of slopes and the possibility to reach other
seven ski-resorts. For those who love cross-country skiing there are also pistes at Monterotta as well
as an ice-rink.
The 18-hole-golf course, a sports hall, a swimming pool, a natural lake for fishing, tennis courts
and excursions in the uncontaminated nature make this place pleasurable also during the summer.
Sestriere guarantees over 4,500 beds, a wide choice of bars and restaurants, shops, two amusement
halls and natural sites, It was one of the venues of the 2006 Winter Olympic Games.