Page 7 - Guida della Valcenischia
P. 7

introduction       The council area of Venaus (545m) is located at the entrance of Val Cenischia along the ancient Via
         Francigena road that leads to Mont Cenis and is only 60Km from Turin, 4Km from Susa and 39Km from
         Bardonecchia. The mainly mountainous area is composed of several hamlets. The main town of Venaus
         is crossed by an Ancient Royal Road and lies on the valley floor along the Cenischia river and surrounded
         by the enchanting backdrop of the massive Rocciamelone (3,537m) and Giusalet (3,312m) peaks.
         The chestnut trees in the lower valley and the pines and firs higher up surround the town and there are
         many paths along which you can see deer, roe deer, squirrels, wolves, wild boar, woodpeckers, finches,
         owls, hawks and many other animals in a natural environment full of typical flora and plant species
         such as the Cenisia orchid. Higher up, there are beautiful lakes such as Lake Foppa, Lake Grande della
         Ferrera, Lake Moncenis, Lake Alpone and Lake della Vecchia, Lakes Bianco and S. Giorgio.
         Its history is marked by the passage of armies such as Napoleon and Charlemaine, papal courts, scholars
         scientists and artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Rousseau, Wagner, and of course the Savoys.
         In the parish Church of San Biagio and Agata (16 C.) the bell tower, the altar, the wall from the nave
         and the finely frescoed nave are remnants of the neo-Romanesque-Gothic style. There is also a precious
         Calvary sculpture by the engraver Jean Clappier Bessan (15 C.).
         Along the hairpin bends of the Mont Cenis S.S.25 you can admire the remains of the Fell Railway
         station which was equipped with a special system to overcome the steep slopes and sharp bends. The
         train pulled by the special locomotive, was composed of three passenger cars and three freight cars. The
         railway was in business from 1868 until 1871, when the Frejus tunnel was finished.
         The old, cobbled, Royal Road to France, built between the 17  and 18 C., can still be seen flanked
         by dry stone walls on the way up to Mont Cenis. In 1751 a severe flood struck Val Cenischia and the
         following year a landslide led to the decision to change the route of the road and thus started a period of
         development for Venaus up to the early 18 C. when the Napoleonic road was built.
         The tradition of the Sword dancers of Venaus (Spadonari) is still alive. The dance represents the fertility
         of the earth and has been handed down through the centuries. Dressed in traditional costumes, the Spa-
         donari are accompanied by music and perform on the Saint’s day of S. Biagio and S. Agata in February
         and the Festival of Bar Cenisio in August.
         Agriculture has played a key role over the centuries combined with forestry and dairy farming. Marghe-
         ra Piazza is charming with its frescoes that recall agricultural activities and the imposing monument to
         Marghera. During the winter months activities included iron, stone and woodworking and the women
         were renowned for making Piun (wool socks) and embroidery. The craftsmanship is still visible today in
         the Christmas season when you can see over 150 nativity cribs set in the streets and alleyways transfor-
         ming the town into a vast nativity scene.
         In addition to the interesting events Venaus offers, visitors can take advantage of numerous excursions
         in the extensive and impressive surroundings, refuges and mountain pastures, like the Pravareno pastu-
         re (1,634m) at a short distance from Bar Cenisio or take part in a summer or winter night tour with a
         nature guide along the new ‘owl path’.
         Not forgetting the L. Vaccarone (2,743m) and the Avanzà refuge, a former military barracks which is the
         highest refuge accommodation in the Venaus area and is important for the climbs in the area of Mount
         Giusalet. It is equipped with 24 beds and a kitchen available to the public. The Giuselet tour is the most
         important hiking route in the Venaus area. Other popular hiking excursions are those to Punta Mulatera
         (2,544m), Punta Toasso Bianco (2,622m), Lake della Vecchia (2,674m) a small alpine lake that feeds the
         Rio Berta (accessible by an easy path), Punta Tricuspid (2,882m), the Punta della Vecchia is so called be-
         cause the outline on the western side look like teeth. From the eastern side, following a partly rocky path,
         you can reach the Punta della Vecchia (2,993m), Bard summit (3,150m), Monte Giusalet (3,313m) with
         the Bard glacier. The summit can be reached from various points and has wonderful panoramic view
         of the nearby Vanoise; not forgetting the Col du Mont Cenis (2,084m) and Rocciamelone. As well as
         walking, you can also go paragliding with skilled instructors, climbing, Mountain biking or riding.

               Venaus est située à l’entrée de la Val Cenischia, le long de l’Antique Chemin des Francs qui conduit au
         col du Mont Cenis et se trouve à 60km de Turin, 4km de Susa et 39km de Bardonecchia. Son territoire
         montagneux comprend de nombreux hameaux.
         Venaus, chef-lieu de la comune, est traversé par l’Antique Voie Royale et s’étend sur les berges du torrent
         Cenischia. Aux alentours s’élèvent les massifs de Rocciamelone (3.537m) et du Giusalet (3.312m) au
         coeur desquels grimpe un vieux sentier portant aux alpages appelé ‘La Barma’. Le marcheur peut ren-
         contrer de nombreux exemplaires de la faune locale, cerfs, chevreuils, sangliers, écureuils, pics, chardon-
         nerets, hiboux, chouettes, faucons, loups et autres. Il est possible aussi d’admirer de spendides étendues
         d’eau, en particulier le lac Foppa, le lac Grande della Ferrera, le lac Alpone, le lac della Vecchia, le lac
         Bianco, le lac S. Giorgio et le lac du Mont Cenis.
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